UPDATE-North Beach Restrooms Closed for New Construction

Portable Restrooms Available for Public Use

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Effective today, the North Beach restrooms at Surfside Park are closed for the construction of new restrooms, parking lot, and park amenities. Portable restrooms are available for public use on Stewart Place near the park.

The $6 million project is funded by the Parks and Recreation Bond 2020 funds. Located in Council District 1, the facility will be at the east end of Surfside Park. The portable restrooms will remain in place until the project is completed in June 2024.

The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department is dedicated to providing quality, affordable enrichment programs for all ages and interests. For more information about the wide variety of programs and services offered by the department, visit www.ccparkandrec.com. We invite everyone to Live. Learn. Play!