No Cost Vaccination Clinics Throughout the City

Taking Place March 19 to March 26

City of Corpus Christi seal, Public Health logo and County of Nueces seal

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Multiple locations available next week for COVID-19 vaccines throughout the city. First and second doses of the Pfizer vaccine are available for children ages 5 and older. Individuals aged 5 through 17 must have verbal or written parental consent to receive a Pfizer vaccination. First and second doses of the Moderna vaccine are available for anyone over the age of 18. The Johnson & Johnson ‘one and done’ vaccine is available for anyone over 18.

COVID-19 vaccine third doses are available for the following Pfizer and Moderna vaccine recipients who completed their initial series at least 28 days ago and are:

  • Severely or moderately Immunocompromised as discussed with their doctor.

COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are available for the following Pfizer and Moderna vaccine recipients who completed their initial series at least five months ago and are:

  • 12 and up

COVID-19 booster dose (aka fourth dose) are available for those recipients who completed their initial series (three vaccine doses of primary series) at least three months ago and are:

  • Severely or moderately immunocompromised as discussed with their doctor.

COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are available for the following Johnson & Johnson vaccine recipients who completed their primary series at least two months ago and are:

  • Age 18 and older

Things to know:

  • To pre-register online, visit and click on the “Vaccination Registration” link. Click on the site you want to receive your vaccine. During online pre-registration, you must obtain a Quick Response (QR) code. Once the online pre-registration hits the limit, you will not be able to register until additional vaccines become available.
  • Walk-ins are welcome on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Registrations open upon vaccine availability for future clinics.
  • If you received the Moderna vaccine for your first dose, you should receive the Moderna vaccine for your second dose.
  • Mix & matching of booster dose is allowed, based on individual preference.
  • If you registered for the first dose, you do not need to register again for the second dose.
  • Pre-register by calling 361-826-7200 option 2.

Visit and for more information. You can also find updates on city social media channels Facebook @citygov and Twitter @cityofcc.