No Cost Vaccination Clinics and COVID-19 Testing Sites

Taking Place August 28 to September 3

City of Corpus Christi seal, Public Health logo and County of Nueces seal

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Multiple locations available next week for COVID-19 vaccines throughout the city. First and second doses of the Pfizer vaccine are available for individuals 12 and older. Individuals aged 12 through 17 must have verbal or written parental consent to receive a Pfizer vaccination. First and second doses of the Moderna vaccine are available for persons over the age of 18.

Vaccinations and COVID-19 testing are provided free to the public.

Amistad Community Health Clinic, located at 1533 South Brownlee Boulevard, offers COVID-19 testing on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Individuals must call (361) 886-3050 to schedule an appointment. This location provides both ‘sick’ and ‘well’ testing.

Drive-thru COVID-19 testing continues at the old Christus Spohn Hospital Memorial site located at 2606 Hospital Boulevard, Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Health officials urge residents to wear masks and keep their vehicle windows rolled up until medical staff instructs them otherwise. Registration is preferred but not required. To register online, visit the City’s website at, and then click “COVID-19 TESTING Registration.” 

Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo’s In-Home Vaccination Program and Save Our Seniors Program continue providing additional doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for immunocompromised individuals.

Residents seeking the additional dose should contact the City of Corpus Christi Call Center at (361) 826-CITY (2489) to register. The vaccines available include Moderna or Pfizer.

Things to know:

  • Pre-register by calling 361-826-7200 option 2
  • To pre-register online, visit and click on the “Vaccination Registration” link. During online pre-registration, you must receive a Quick Response (QR) code. Once the online pre-registration hits the limit, you will not be able to register until additional vaccines become available.
  • Walk-ins are welcome on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • New registrations will open upon vaccine availability for future clinics.
  • Vaccines of different brands should not be combined. If you received the Moderna vaccine for your first dose, you should receive the Moderna vaccine for your second dose.
  • If you registered for the first dose, you do not need to register again for the second dose.

Visit and for more information. You can also find updates on city social media channels 

Graphic 8-27-21 COVID Vaccine Sites for Social Media