Next Corpus Christi Litter Critter Event Scheduled for Ray High School

FREE Event Takes Place on December 4, 2021

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi’s next Litter Critter cleanup event will occur at W.B. Ray High School located at 801 Leopard Street on Saturday, December 4, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Litter Critter events provide residents the chance to discard unwanted items outside of regularly scheduled brush and bulky item collection dates.

Future Litter Critter events will take place each month in service areas across the city. Please see the schedule below for the cleanup events scheduled in 2022:

Briscoe King Pavilion               15820 Park Road 22              January 8

Flour Bluff High School            2505 Waldron Road                February 12

Calallen High School                4001 Wildcat Drive                  March 12

West Oso High School              754 Flato Road                       April 9

Veterans High School               3750 Cimmarron Blvd.            May 14

Ray Veterans High School       1002 Texan Trail                     June 11

Briscoe King Pavilion               15820 Park Road 22              July 9

Flour Bluff High School            2505 Waldron Road               August 13

Tuloso-Midway High School    2653 McKinzie Road              September 10

West Oso High School             754 Flato Road                       October 8

Veterans High School               3750 Cimmarron Blvd.           November 12

Ray High School                       1002 Texan Trail                     December 10

Residents planning to make drop-offs should refer to the City’s Solid Waste Department website at for a list of items accepted at Litter Critter events. Residents should prepare to offload their items, and commercial hauling will not be permitted.

Media representatives requesting additional information may contact Amy Gazin, Senior Public Information Officer with the Solid Waste Department, at (361) 826-1655 or email at