Modernization of Corpus Christi International Airport Continues with Council Action

New Equipment in Commercial Parking Lot - Demolition of Old Hangar

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At today’s City Council meeting, Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette Guajardo and members of the City Council approved two items that will make way for more modern customer services and provide for future business opportunities at Corpus Christi International Airport (CCIA).

The City Council approved a service agreement with Lindamood Inc., for demolition of an old aircraft hangar located on the east side of the airfield. The hangar sits on the East General Aviation ramp which is an active area for aircraft operated by private owners, corporate pilots, emergency medical transport, and other emergency operations. Removing the extremely outdated and dilapidated aircraft hangar will make way for future development improving operations at CCIA.

The City Council also approved the spending of over $200,000 from airport funds for the purchase of new parking and parking revenue control systems for customer parking lots at the airport. The plan is to purchase and install equipment that will create a better experience for customers who park at CCIA and will assist the staff in monitoring parking lot activity.

“Creating a world-class airport facility for our City will allow new aviation businesses to establish themselves at our airport. Modernization and expansion of our airport capacity contributes to the economic growth of Corpus Christi," Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo said. 

Media representatives can contact CCIA Marketing Manager Kim Bridger-Hunt at 361-361-774-7871 or by email at