Missed Garbage & Recycling Collections Resume Next Week
Missed Garbage & Recycling Collections Resume Next Week
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Solid Waste crews will begin collection of Garbage and Recycling for all Monday and Tuesday customers impacted by our recent severe winter weather beginning on Monday, February 22 and Tuesday, February 23, respectively.
All Monday and Tuesday customers are urged to get their carts placed curbside no later than 7:30 a.m. on their regularly scheduled collection day. Monday and Tuesday recycling customers impacted by the storm will receive collection service on their regularly scheduled garbage day. Residents in these areas are asked to leave their recycling carts curbside until recycling service has been provided.
For more information call (361)826-2489 (CITY) or for updates visit www.cctexas.com/weather or stay connected through the city’s social media channels Facebook @citygov , @CCWastePlace and Twitter @cityofcc.