Longtime Librarian Takes Part in Last "Story Time"

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - Staff at Owen R. Hopkins Public Library recently said goodbye to one of their most cherished story tellers.

Youth Librarian Jean Meadors, fondly known as "Miss Jean," retired after serving the city's public libraries for more than three decades.

Those who've worked closely with Miss Jean said the librarian is not only a great story teller but a true staple in the community and in the lives of her "Story Time Kids."

"She personifies the attachment a library wants with its community," said Daniel Schwartz, managing librarian. "To have 30 years of story time kids who all remember her is an outstanding feat. It shows the impact she and the library have had in the area."

Although she is closing the book on her time with the library, Miss Jean says her life's work has been the most gratifying.

"It's been an absolute joy watching families grow and learn to love reading," Jean said. "I will miss all of my library families and coworkers."