Local Officials Continue to Work Diligently to Protect the Community Against Coronavirus
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Mayor Joe McComb and City Manager Peter Zanoni worked diligently today on the protection of our community against the threat of Coronavirus.
McComb and Zanoni worked with Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales and participated in a statewide conference call on the Novel Coronavirus with Governor Abbott; Chief Nim Kidd, Texas Division of Emergency Management; and, Dr. John Hellerstedt, Commissioner of Department of State Health Services. The Governor’s phone conference focused on an update regarding the latest information on what Texas is doing to prepare for and respond to the Novel Coronavirus. Officials want to reassure the public that they continue to work together to safeguard our community against the potential threat.
Zanoni also participated in strategic meetings with the Chief Medical Officers of the two largest hospital systems in Corpus Christi, Dr. Osbert Blow with Christus Spohn Health System and Dr. Eric Deppert with HCA Corpus Christi Medical Center – Bay Area. Other medical executives in Corpus Christi were also in attendance to ensure the medical community is ready in the event of coronavirus spread. Corpus Christi is the Coastal Bend regional leader in trauma and medical facilities.