Latchkey Summer Camp at Northwest Senior Center Temporarily Suspended After Staff Member Tests Positive for COVID-19 Exposure
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation has temporarily suspended the Latchkey Summer Camp at the Northwest Senior Center for 14 days due to one staff member testing positive for COVID-19 exposure. The Latchkey Summer Camp site will resume operations on July 6, 2020. The Parks and Recreation staff is in the process of contacting parents and/or guardians of children attending the camp to inform them of potential exposure and camp suspension. The curbside senior meals served at the Northwest Senior Center are not impacted and will continue from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
At the direction of Corpus Christi - Nueces County Public Health District and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Child Care Licensing standards, staff will remain quarantined and monitored. The Northwest Senior Center will be deep cleaned to ensure the safety of both staff and participants.
Latchkey Program staff wear personal protective equipment and follow preventative protocols in operating a childcare facility as outlined by the federal and state guidelines. The City of Corpus Christi is committed to ensuring the safety of all employees, and will take necessary action to protect personnel, their families, and the community.