Initial Overview of Proposed $125 Million Bond 2022 Presented to Council
City Streets to Receive Approximately 74% of Bond Program Funding
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At today's regularly scheduled City Council meeting, City Council was presented with an Initial Overview of the Proposed $125 Million Bond. The Bond 2022 program can be delivered without a city property tax rate increase.
The recommendation today created categories in which to allocate the funding. This includes $92.5 million for streets, $20 million for parks, $10 million for public safety, and $2.5 million for facilities.
The City of Corpus Christi has biennially approved and implemented two-year general obligation bond programs that consist of citywide infrastructure projects approved by voters.
Staff will continue to work with the mayor, council members, and the community to determine the final project list. The final list is anticipated to be voted on by City Council later this summer.
"The projects will be included in each of the five City Council Districts and will be considered by the voters on November 8," said Mayor Paulette Guajardo. "We are focused on continuing to move Corpus Christi forward."
For more information, please call Sr. Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or by email at