UPDATE: Health District Teams Up with Islander Volleyball to Host No Cost Vaccination Clinic

Friday, April 2 at McGee Beach, 9 a.m. to Noon

City of Corpus Christi seal, Public Health logo and County of Nueces seal

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Citizens will have another chance this week to get a first dose Moderna COVID-19 no cost vaccine during a downtown Health District walk-up clinic for patrons age 18 and over. The clinic will be on Friday, April 2, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at McGee Beach, 222 S. Shoreline Boulevard, near The Water’s Edge Park. The vaccination process is easy:

  • No pre-registration required
  • All registration will be onsite
  • First come, first serve

Patrons also can enjoy the seawall and watch the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Islander’s Women’s Beach Volleyball team playing nearby in a NCAA Division tournament that’s free and open to the public. The complete schedule can be found on www.goislanders.com.

Visit www.cctexas.com/coronavirus and www.nuecesknows.com for more information. You can also find updates on city social media channels Facebook @citygov and Twitter @cityofcc.