Health District Releases Precautions for Annual Saharan Dust Plume
Experts Say Dust Could Mimic COVID-19 Symptoms

CORPUS CHRISTI TX - The Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District advises the public of the impending yearly passing of the Saharan Dust plume. The Saharan dust plume is desert-infused air made up of sand and mineral particles that travel from the Saharan Desert through the Atlantic and makes it way to the tropics during the months of June and/or July. It is predicted the Saharan dust may make its way into the Coastal Bend in the middle of the week of June 22.
Desert-infused air is considered an environmental trigger affecting individuals with asthma, COPD, bronchitis, or respiratory illnesses. Residents with existing respiratory illnesses are advised to take extra precautions during the time Sahara dust is present. Stay at home as much as you can and when venturing outdoors wear a face covering. Consult with your primary care physician if you develop symptoms such as nasal congestion and sneezing. If symptoms worsen such as shortness of breath, call 911.
During this time when we are dealing with COVID-19, it is extremely important to take extra precautions and avoid inhalation of the dust as this may lead you to believe you have contracted COVID-19. Dust inhalation can lead to sneezing, persistent cough, Rhinitis, asthma attacks, and Pneumoconiosis. The Health District recommends everyone limit exposure to the outside and residents over the age of two wear a mask.
Media representatives requesting more information may contact Health Education Manager Diane Prime at 361-826-7220 or by email at