Governor Abbott Announces Grants to Texas Military Communities
Corpus Christi to Receive $1.3M for NAS-CC and CCAD Improvements
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX- On September 17, 2024, the City Council approved submitting two applications to the Texas Military Preparedness Commission (TMPC) for the Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant (DEAAG) program. These applications aimed to secure a total of $1.3 million in state grant funding, which requires a matching contribution from the City of $309,209 to cover project management and grant administration services.
On December 16, Governor Abbott’s TMPC awarded funding for both of Corpus Christi’s applications. The details of the two projects are as follows:
The first application is for the Naval Air Station Corpus Christi (NASCC). The application requested $988,567 in grant funding along with a city-matching contribution of $269,609 to replace a wastewater lift station to increase the capacity of wastewater, minimize the risk of wastewater contamination of local water sources, and ensure continuous operation during power outages.
The second application is for the Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD). The application requested $330,000 in grant funding and a city matching contribution of $39,600 to replace Condensate Return Stations (CRS). This project will involve replacing 15 small and two large CRS units in CCAD Building 8 where component rebuild activities, such as engine cleaning occur. Upgrading these stations will reduce the Army's costs associated with water supply, wastewater treatment, chemicals, heating, and softener salt.
Following the receipt of Governor Abbott’s award letter, the City will present an agenda item to the City Council to accept the state grant funding of $1.3 million and appropriate the necessary funds to initiate the projects. The city’s matching funds were included as a part of the city’s capital budget.
The DEAAG program is a competitive annual initiative where Commission members and the Governor's staff score and rank proposals against projects submitted from across Texas.
For more information, media representatives can contact Public Information Manager Robert Gonzales at 361-826-3233 or email at