Fundraising Event to Benefit RSVP and SCP
Every life tells the story …“From the Pages to the Table”
Mayor Nelda Martinez will welcome guest to the first “From the Pages to the Table” luncheon event benefiting the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and the Senior Companion Program (SCP) on Saturday, November 14, 2015 at the Corpus Christi Gym, 3202 Cabaniss Parkway. The doors will open to the public at 11:00 a.m. and lunch will be served at noon.
The fun-filled event will consist of individuals, community leaders and businesses decorating a table based on a book of their choosing. There will be prizes presented in five different table categories. There will also be a silent auction. One hundred percent of the funds raised at this event will be spent on local programming.
Last year, local RSVP and SCP volunteers provided 113,016 hours of volunteer services to local non-profits, and less fortunate seniors to help them stay in their own homes. These volunteer services saved an estimated value of $2,644,574 to our community. (This calculation is based on the Independent Sector’s Value of volunteer time in Texas.)
“Our community is truly blessed to have many seniors who are committed to providing vitality and value through their service in the Senior Corps programs,” said Mayor Nelda Martinez.
The Senior Corps programs are composed of volunteers age 55 and older who serve through SCP and RSVP. Both local programs are administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service. The Corporation was conceived during the John F. Kennedy’s presidency, and currently links more than 360,000 Americans to service opportunities. Their contributions of skills, knowledge, and experience make a real difference to individuals, nonprofits, faith-based and other community organizations throughout the United States.
Through grants from the Senior Corps, City matched funds and other resources along with the energy and efforts of local citizens age 55 and over, SCP and RSVP help meet the needs and challenges of the Coastal Bend. RSVP and SCP are both sponsored by the City of Corpus Christi and operate under the Parks & Recreation Department. These program provide services to recipients at no charge.
Tickets for this event are $30 per person. If you would like to decorate a table, please contact Debbie Crites at 361-826-3154 to register. To learn more about RSVP and SCP, please visit (click ‘Senior Services’).