Flour Bluff Collection Center Fact Sheet Now Available on City Website

In an effort to provide the very latest information on the Flour Bluff Collection Center, the City of Corpus Christi is providing a fact sheet with the most frequently asked questions received by staff and City Council members. We believe the information will assist residents and business owners in understanding the details of the collection center project. The fact sheet can also be viewed on the City’s website at www.cctexas.com.

What exactly is a Collection Center?

A Citizen Collection Center (CCC) will provide to citizens a convenient free disposal of bulky items, debris and brush. It will promote a cleaner city especially in the Flour Bluff area by discouraging illegal dumping. Citizens will simply be able to unload their debris into containers which will then be transferred to the landfill.

Why build a ‘Citizen Collection Center’ in Flour Bluff?

The idea to build a Collection Center in Flour Bluff was started by requests from residents and businesses. This Collection Center is just the first to be built. In the future, additional collection centers will be considered for other locations around the city.

Where will the ‘Citizen Collection Center’ be located?

The CCC will be located at the northwest corner of Flour Bluff Drive at Holly Road. It will be a first class collection center and visually buffered from Flour Bluff Drive. The final facility layout for entrance and exit points will be built to meet city code. The center will be constructed for all-weather access with concrete ramps and utilization of steel containers whereby residents can deposit their items.

What will be accepted at the ‘Citizen Collection Center’?

Heavy brush, yard waste, mattresses and furniture, used motor oils, paints, recyclables, batteries and clean wood waste. The center will not accept commercial building materials, metals, dead animals or hazardous material.

What will be the days of operation for the ‘Citizen Collection Center’?

The Flour Bluff CCC will operate four days a week, including one day over the weekend.

What is the timeline for the project?

The anticipated opening of the Flour Bluff CCC is in the fall of 2016. The land for construction of the CCC was purchased and the City will be entering the design phase.

Does the ‘Citizen Collection Center’ require any special permitting?

Just like any other build within the City, a building permit is required. Although no special permitting is required for operation, a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) required notification process must be followed.

Will residents have any input on the design of the ‘Citizen Collection Center’?

Residents will have the opportunity to provide input on the design of the CCC through a public meeting that will be scheduled in the next couple months. The design-build method offers the flexibility to design the facility with all stakeholder groups input.

How will daily operations of the ‘Citizen Collection Center’ affect residents?

Other than offering additional options for residents to dispose of their bulky items and brush, the City anticipates the daily operations of this facility will not affect residents. The state-of-the-art facility will be designed with residents in mind, utilizing trees and facade to hide the facility and allow for quieter and fully contained loads. The City will be looking in to compactors that contain debris and do not allow for fly-a-ways or odors. At the end of the four operation days, all containers will be removed from the site and no debris will be left in the facility.    

In a ‘Major Weather’ event requiring evacuation and / or necessary preparations for a major weather event, what will happen with the collected items?

The CCC is designed to only hold moveable containers. In the event of a major weather event, the facility and building will be closed and secured. All containers at the CCC will be removed from the site and no debris will be left in the facility.  

Will the ‘Citizen Collection Center’ have security?

There will be a security system (cameras), as well as signage to prevent illegal dumping of debris after hours.  The Corpus Christi Police Department will also monitor the site during regular patrols.  Illegal dumping violators could face up to a $2,000 fine.