Flint Hills Resources Continues Cleanup Efforts for Oil Spill in Corpus Christi Bay
Residents Encouraged to Report Oil Sheens in Area
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Flint Hills Resources (FHR) continues responding to the release of approximately 335 barrels (14,000 gallons) of light crude oil from a pipe failure at its Ingleside crude oil terminal on Christmas eve. The U.S. Coast Guard, the Texas General Land Office, and the Port of Corpus Christi Authority continue assisting with the ongoing cleanup efforts.
Clean up crews remain poised to respond to any impacted area, including:
- Near Dock 5 at the Flint Hills Resources Ingleside Crude Oil Terminal
- The Ship Channel
- North Beach
- Indian Point
- Nueces Bay
- The Rookery Island
- Dredge Material Placement Area (DMPA10)
More than 3,000 absorbent pads and 60,000 feet of boom have been made available by Flint Hills Resources to assist the dozens of boats and hundreds of volunteers actively involved in the cleanup process.
There was minimal reportable material identified today on the shoreline or in Corpus Christi Bay. North Beach has remained open. All observed material at North Beach has been cleaned up and currently there is no observed material at North Beach.
Flint Hills Resources continues working with marine and wildlife experts as the number of deceased birds is at ten. One turtle also was treated for potential exposure.
Residents are encouraged to report any material or oil sheens they observe to the Flint Hills Resources Ingleside Response Center at 361-396-2831. The composition of the oil takes on a unique appearance and may resemble yellow “popcorn” or appear to be a small pebble of paraffin or wax. Additionally, a phone number has been set up for claim requests at 1-800-254-1122.
The cause of the incident is still under investigation.