Everhart Road Traffic Shift and Bonner Drive Intersection Closure
October 30, 2019
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - Beginning Thursday, October 31, 2019, weather permitting, City contractors will be implementing a traffic switch for northbound and southbound lanes on Everhart Road between Bonner Drive and Holly Road.
The proposed plan to be implemented is as follows:
- Northbound and Southbound lanes will shift from the east side (northbound lanes) to the west side (southbound lanes) between Bonner Drive and Holly Road. Northbound and Southbound traffic will continue as one lane for both directions.
- Northbound traffic on Everhart Road will be allowed to make left turns at the Holly Road intersection. Left turns from Southbound Everhart Road traffic will still be restricted.
- The right turn lane on Holly Road will continue to be closed but right turns onto northbound Everhart Road will still be allowed from the right travel lane.
- The east side of Bonner Drive and Everhart Road intersection will be closed. Left turns for both northbound and southbound Everhart Road traffic will be restricted during the intersection closure. Through traffic on Eastbound Bonner Drive will be detoured around the intersection closure. Local traffic needing to access Bonner Drive between the closure at Everhart Road and Nelson Lane can do so from Nelson Lane.
The City reminds drivers to use caution and slow down when driving through the work zone. Motorists should expect delays during construction. For more information, please contact Traffic Engineering at 361-826-3547.