Engineering Design Contract Awarded By Council for New Marina Piers

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo and the City Council approved a motion awarding an engineering contract to Urban Engineering of Corpus Christi, Texas, for the engineering design, bid, and construction phase services for the replacement of Marina Piers A, B, C, D, & L, located in District 1. Funding for this project comes from the FY 2021 Seawall CIP in the amount of $939,767.00.

The existing Piers A, B, C, and D were installed in 1994. Pier L was constructed in 1990 and has been damaged by storm tides. All of these piers are well beyond their typical 25-year service life and are in poor condition. Many of the existing wet slips also cannot be used by deeper draft vessels due to shoaling. Unusable slips result in lost revenue for the Marina. Slip leasing makes up 80% of the Marina’s operating revenue.

“Redeveloping our Marina is a critical priority for me in my service as Mayor. Today’s investment in the maintenance and repair of our piers is another significant step towards restoration of our Marina, one of our city’s greatest assets,” said Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo.

This project will replace the existing Piers A, B, C, D, & L with a modern dock and utility system that should provide a 40-to-50-year service life. The project will also include sufficient dredging to ensure that limited water depth will not restrict the use of the new slips. The design phase will start in June 2021, with design completion planned by December 2021. Construction is anticipated to begin in April 2022, with completion in August of 2023.

For the latest information on the Corpus Christi Marina, please visit

For more information, media representatives can contact Sr. Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or by email at

Pier Replacement Project