Drainage Feasibility Study Underway for Northwest Boulevard
The project feasibility study will bring improvements to the fast-developing corridor
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council awarded a professional services contract to Hanson Professional Services for the Feasibility Study phase of the Northwest Boulevard Drainage improvement project, located in District 1. Funding for the $145,000 contract comes from FY 2022 budget initiative in the General Fund and amending the FY 2023 Public Works Operating Budget.
The feasibility study is for a segment of the Northwest Boulevard corridor between River Hill Drive and County Road 69. Northwest Boulevard (FM 624) is approximately 0.85 miles in length.
This section of FM 624 is a raised four-lane divided roadway with roadside ditches and driveway culverts. This section of the roadway experiences issues with flooding due to inadequate infrastructure.
The project feasibility study will take approximately five months to complete.
For more information, please call Sr. Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or by email at melaniel@cctexas.com.