COVID-19 Drive Thru Tuesday

CORPUS CHRISTI TX - The Corpus Christi - Nueces County Public Health District was notified earlier today 500 doses of the Moderna vaccine is scheduled to be delivered at the Health District Tuesday, December 29. Upon receiving the vaccine, the Health District will open a drive thru vaccination clinic at the Richard Borchard Regional Fairgrounds in Robstown, 1213 Terry Shamsie Boulevard, beginning at 11:30 a.m. The start time may be slightly delayed depending on the arrival time of vaccines. Nueces County residents who are part of Phase 1A Tier 1 or 2 and are at least 18 years of age will be eligible to get vaccinated. Registration will be onsite and will be done on a first come first serve basis.
Phase 1A includes:
Tier 1
- Hospital staff working directly with patients who are positive or at high risk for COVID-19. Includes:
- Physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists and other support staff (custodial staff, etc.)
- Additional clinical staff providing supporting laboratory, pharmacy, diagnostic and/or rehabilitation services
- Long-term care staff working directly with vulnerable residents.
- Direct care providers at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and state supported living centers
- Physicians, nurses, personal care assistants, custodial, food service staff
- EMS providers who engage in 9-1-1 emergency services like pre-hospital care and transport
- Home health care workers, including hospice care, who directly interface with vulnerable and high-risk patients
- Residents of long-term care facilities
Tier 2
- Staff in outpatient care offices who interact with symptomatic patients. Includes:
- Physicians, nurses, and other support staff (custodial staff, etc.)
- Clinical staff providing diagnostic, laboratory, and/rehabilitation services
- Non 9-1-1 transport for routine care
- Direct care staff in freestanding emergency medical care facilities and urgent care clinics
- Community pharmacy staff who may provide direct services to clients, including vaccination or testing for individuals who may have COVID
- Public health and emergency response staff directly involved in administration of COVID testing and vaccinations
- Last responders who provide mortuary or death services to decedents with COVID-19. Includes:
- Embalmers and funeral home workers who have direct contact with decedents
- Medical examiners and other medical certifiers who have direct contact with decedents
- School nurses who provide health care to students and teachers
The Health District has 500 vaccines available and plans to distribute them as efficiently as possible. The vaccines will be allocated to eligible Phase 1 recipients first. Once that objective has been met, the Health District will transition to Phase 1B, which includes 65 years of age and older, until all 500 vaccines have been given out. As quantities of vaccine increase, the continuance of the phased approach is expected to move more quickly.
For more information, contact the Corpus Christi - Nueces County Health District at 361-826-7200.