Council Receives Briefing on Action Plan to Address North Beach Drainage
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Nathaniel Riedy, Senior Civil Project Manager with MIG Civil Engineering, LLC., presented key findings from the North Beach Strategic Development Plan – Preferred Drainage Improvement Project Summary to the Mayor and City Council. The item was for briefing. It is anticipated that City Council will consider a vote to approve the presented drainage plan during its regularly scheduled meeting on September 13.
In the last two years, the City of Corpus Christi has spent over $830,000 on various studies to solve the area’s drainage and flooding issues. Recently, City staff began working with MIG consultants to comprehensively analyze these studies’ findings and all other North Beach drainage studies completed in the past two decades to determine the best solution to address the flooding.
North Beach’s storm water drainage issues are due to several factors, including groundwater seepage, tidal, backflow, and rainfall-induced flooding. Due to this, MIG consultants shared with Council that there is not one solution to the drainage issues that have plagued North Beach.
MIG presented several solutions that can be implemented in various ways. They include:
· Creating a coastal barrier (dunes)
· Implementation of tide gates/valves
· Elevation of new infrastructure
· Elevation of parcels
· Creating an open channel conveyance system (linear parks)
· Improve piped conveyance system
· Sediment monitoring and cleaning
· Installation of storm water pumping system
MIG recommended moving forward with a priority solution which includes elevating Beach Avenue and Gulfspray Avenue as well as elevation of beach access parking and improving pedestrian access to the beach with funding from Bond 2018 funds. To view the full report and presentation, please visit For more information, please call Sr. Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or by email at