UPDATE Corpus Christi Litter Critter Program Scheduled for Calallen on Saturday

Event is Free and Open to the Public

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City’s Litter Critter program will resume on August 7 at the Calallen High School parking lot located at 4205 Wildcat Drive from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Litter Critter events provide citizens the opportunity to discard unwanted items outside of regularly scheduled brush and bulky item pickup dates.

“It was important that we bring back Litter Critter for all Corpus Christi residents! I promise this is just the start of beautifying our City, an effort I’m deeply passionate about,“ said Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo.

Subsequent Litter Critter events will take place on the first Saturday of each month to service areas across the City. Please see below for the schedule through the end of the year:

  • Tuloso Midway/Annaville           September 4
  • West Corpus Christi                   October 2
  • South Corpus Christi                 November 6
  • Midtown                                       December 4

**Future Litter Critter locations will be announced.

Residents planning to make drop-offs should refer to the City’s Solid Waste Department website at https://www.cctexas.com/solid-waste/community-cleanup-programs to find the list of items accepted for the Litter Critter event.

Media representatives requesting additional information may contact Amy Gazin, Senior Public Information Officer with the Solid Waste Department at (361) 826-1655 or by email at amyg2@cctexas.com.

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