Corpus Christi City Secretary Elected Municipal Clerk Association Executive Board Trustee
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Corpus Christi City Secretary Rebecca Huerta was elected to serve as a trustee on the Texas Municipal Clerks Association, Inc. Executive Board at its annual business meeting in October.
The Texas Municipal Clerks Association, Inc. (TMCA) is a statewide association with over 1,100 members. The Association operates the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program (TMCCP) at the University of North Texas, Denton.
“This is my second term serving on the TMCA Board of Trustees. I enjoy being a part of this wonderful state association that promotes and educates city secretaries in Texas,” Huerta said.
Huerta will lead efforts to accomplish the goals and objectives of TMCA. Since 1952 the Association has been dedicated to serving the demands of excellence in Texas' local government and public problem-solving. Its principal missions are to motivate Texas city clerks and city secretaries to become leaders in their fields of governance and to provide an educational program for the beginning and career city clerk and city secretary.
Huerta has over 20 years of municipal government experience. She has served as the City Secretary since 2014. She is the first Hispanic female to fill the position in Corpus Christi. The City Secretary, a statutory position required by State law and the City Charter, is appointed by the City Council.
Huerta holds a Texas Registered Municipal Clerks certification and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Certified Municipal Clerk designation. She is the current President of the TMCA Coastal Bend Chapter and is active in various state, local, and international organizations.
For more information, contact Alexandra Burke, Communications Specialist, Texas Municipal Clerks, at 940-565-3488 or email