Corpus Christi City Council Meeting Changes
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Mayor and City Manager would like to inform residents about changes to future City Council meetings.
The City believes it is in the community’s best interest to adhere to public safety guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which include postponing large gatherings.
For City Council meetings, the proclamation portion of the Council meeting has been temporarily suspended. All public comment portions of the meeting now will only be through written testimony submitted prior to the meeting. Anyone wishing to provide public comment can provide their statements in the form of an e-mail by using this PUBLIC COMMENT/INPUT FORM. Residents are also allowed to turn in a written statement limited to one page. The goal is to provide citizens with alternative options to provide public comment without being exposed to large groups of people.
All forms must be e-mailed to (PREFERRED METHOD), or by submitting a filled out form, or written statement, in person, to the City Secretary’s Office, located at City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the scheduled meeting.
The public can view the meeting live on YouTube, on the City’s website at, on Spectrum channel 1300, Grande channel 20, and AT&T U-Verse channel 99.
For further information, contact: Kim Womack, Communication Director, at (361) 826-3211.