Contractor Barge Dislodged Near Packery Channel
Recovery Plan may Impact Packery Channel Access and/or Jetty Walkway
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi is reporting that a barge located near the mouth of the Packery Channel came loose at approximately 8:00 a.m. today as a result of the strong current and high water associated with Hurricane Ian. The force of the water coming out of the bay into the Gulf of Mexico caused the ropes securing the barge to snap. The barge belongs to Callan Marine Ltd., the City’s contractor for the Packery Channel Restoration project.
The Coast Guard was immediately notified after the barge became loose. Currently, there is no damage to the Packery Channel, and there are no concerns about environmental impacts. There are no injuries.
All other contractor barges are secure. The contractor will have to wait until the high waves, and strong currents subside before attempting to remove the barge from the jetty.
Currently, the contractor is developing a plan to safely board the barge and assess the damage caused when the barge contacted the jetty. Repairs, if needed, will be made to the barge before the contractor begins the barge removal process. The contractor is working closely with the United States Coast Guard to develop safety plans for both the barge boarding and barge removal. The recovery plan may impact access to the Packery Channel and/or jetty walkway.
Motorists are to be advised of additional vehicular and foot traffic entering the roadway to the Packery Channel. Surfers are advised to exercise extreme caution and steer clear of the barge. Swimmers are advised not to swim near the barge. The public is to be advised that additional small craft will be in the immediate area as part of the barge recovery efforts.
The public is urged to take precautions and follow local advisories for updates on beach conditions by visiting Corpus Christi Beaches | City of Corpus Christi (
For media inquiries, please contact Melanie Lowry, Sr. Public Information Officer, at 361-826-3837 or