UPDATE - Cleanup Efforts Continue for Oil Spill in Corpus Christi Bay

No Impacts to Wildlife Have Been Reported

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi (USCG) and the Texas General Land Office (TGLO) have confirmed oil has been reported near North Beach just days after it was discovered leaking from a cracked pipeline near the Flint Hills Ingleside facility located in the La Quinta Channel on Christmas Day. The source of the discharge has since been secured.

Paraffin balls have been spotted in the area, and assessment responders have been dispatched to North Beach, searching for any oil products which may have washed ashore. Additional booms have been deployed to contain the oil, and cleanup efforts will continue throughout the weekend.

An estimated 3,800 gallons of light crude oil entered the water through the cracked pipeline, and 1,500 feet of boom had been deployed to contain the oil.

According to the USCG, there are no reports of impact to local wildlife, but there have been shoreline impacts on the Spoil Islands.