City Holiday Recycling Tips

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Recently, George Evans Elementary Students helped Solid Waste Operations staff identify holiday items that can be recycled and items that need to be thrown in the garbage. Holiday celebrations around this time of year can produce large amounts of waste. The City of Corpus Christi encourages everyone to be creative and think about ways to reduce your waste, reuse what you have and recycle materials including: 

  • Purchase items made from recycled materials such as welcome mats, reclaimed wood projects or recycled paper. It helps the environment and it helps sustain recycling industries.

  • Purchase chargeable batteries to go with new electronic toys instead of regular batteries.

  • Buy high quality, durable goods to reduce waste. A higher priced item may last longer and reduce the amount of junk merchandise ending up in landfills.

  • Consider purchasing a high quality artificial tree for next year. Holiday decorations go on sale in late December and early January, so it’s a good time to change from fresh trees to an artificial tree. Maybe it can be the start of a new family tradition.

  • Think outside the box for gifts and consider items that use time such as gift certificates to the Texas State Aquarium, a museum or digital music. You can also consider wrapping in reusable bags instead of the standard gift bags.

  • Save boxes and bows for reuse next year.

 Visit for the list of items that go in your blue recyclable bin and materials that need to be thrown in the green trash bin.

Chrismas Recycling Flyer


Chrismas Recycling Flyer