City Council Approves $5.2 Million Economic Development Agreement for Calallen Town Center

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX At yesterday’s regularly scheduled meeting, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council approved a Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreement with 2AVH Calallen LP to bring a retail project to the Calallen area.

The 27-acre Calallen Town Center will feature a 120,000-square-foot box retail center, restaurant sites, and a 14,000-square-foot retail center intended for local or small businesses. The project, located at the northwest corner of I-69 and CR-52, represents a total private investment of $53.8 million and is estimated to be completed in December 2027. The agreement provides up to $5.2 million in economic development grants through ad valorem and sales tax rebates to support the center's development.

“This development capitalizes on a strategic location along the I-69 corridor in Calallen, transforming a greenfield site into a thriving retail destination,” said Arturo Marquez, Director of Economic Development. “It will attract hundreds of thousands of customers annually, many from outside the City, boosting sales tax revenue and enhancing Corpus Christi’s regional retail appeal.”

The project is expected to generate significant economic benefits for local taxing entities, including the City, Nueces County, Del Mar College, and Calallen ISD. Over the next 10 years, the development will yield over $18.4 million in property and sales tax revenue.

For more information, media representatives can contact Cassandra Hinojosa, Public Information Officer at 361-826-2944 or