City Begins Delivery of Bond 2020 Program Within one Month of Voter Approval

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – In less than one month since the November 3 Special Election, the City is moving forward with implementing the Bond 2020 Program approved by voters. Residents overwhelmingly supported the Bond 2020 totaling $75 million in 42 infrastructure projects. All three propositions passed with over 70% approval rating demonstrating high confidence in the City’s ability to deliver essential City services and infrastructure projects. The propositions passed on election day include projects for streets, parks, and public safety improvements.

On Monday, November 30, the City will release a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a mass selection of design service engineering consultants for the design of all 22 street projects within the Bond 2020 program. These 22 contracts are expected to be considered for approval by the City Council in February 2021 with design expected to begin in March 2021.

The design services RFQ for the Parks and Facilities projects within the Bond 2020 Program is anticipated to be released in December 2020. This RFQ also will include other projects within the City’s approved annual Capital Improvements Plan. Resulting contracts are anticipated to be considered for approval by the Council in March of 2021 with design expected to begin in April of 2021.   

To learn more about what projects are included as part of the Bond 2020 Program visit

For more information media representatives can contact Senior Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or by email at

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