City Awarded State Grant to Replace Natural Gas System at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Governor Greg Abbott recently announced a new round of grants totaling $16.3 million from the Texas Military Preparedness Commission’s (TMPC) Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant (DEAAG) program. These grants assist military communities across the state that may be positively or negatively impacted by any future Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) round. The funds will be invested in infrastructure projects and other initiatives to increase the military value of these installations in Texas and protect jobs in those communities.

The City of Corpus Christi was awarded $901,952 in grant funds to replace the Natural Gas Line System at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi (NASCC).  The grant funds will be matched by the City and federal funds for a total project value of more than $1.9 million to replace approximately 45,700 linear feet (more than eight miles) of severely deteriorated high-pressure 78-year-old steel natural gas main lines and services lines.  

The system is in a state of severe deterioration after decades of constant exposure to severe corrosive and erosive service environments. These failing high-pressure service lines are the backbone of the entire natural gas distribution system at NASCC.

The City of Corpus Christi is proud to host NASCC in our community and is committed to protecting the missions based here. The base and its 40 tenants in approximately 75 buildings is one of the top five customers of the City’s natural gas utility. Currently, the base accounts for approximately three to four percent of the natural gas consumed in the City. 

This grant is just one more step in the long productive relationship between the City and our Military partners. Since 2017, the City of Corpus Christi has received four DEAGG grant awards with a total value of more than $7.8 million in State funded infrastructure improvements for NASCC and the Corpus Christi Army Depot.  According to the Texas Military Preparedness Commission the combined missions of Naval Air Station Corpus Christi and the Corpus Christi Army Depot have a $4.6 billion annual impact to the Texas economy. The City would like to thank the South Texas Military Task Force for their assistance to advocate for this grant and for the work the Task Force does to protect our military missions in South Texas.   

Texas Military Preparedness Commission - Naval Air Station Corpus Christi 2020

Texas Military Preparedness Commission - Corpus Christi Army Depot 2020