City Approves Housing Development Fee Waiver Program
Builders Can Apply Now
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo and City Council approved the Housing Development Fee Waivers for Non-qualifying Homebuyers Program. The program will target underutilized lots in existing neighborhoods.
Here are some key points of the program:
- The home must be built on an infill lot with existing infrastructure.
- The City may waive building permit fees and plan review fees
- Other waived fees include Solid Waste fees and tap fees for Water, Wastewater and Gas
- Waived fees can’t exceed $7,000 per home
- The home must sell for $204,800 or less
- If the home sells for more than $204,800, the City will collect the waived fees
- There is $100,000 available for fee waivers as included in the FY 2022 Budget
A list of builders and their properties will be available at
The City is not a participant in the sale, and potential buyers should contact a licensed real estate agent if they are interested in purchasing one of the homes.
Homebuilders can apply by downloading the application from and emailing their completed application to or submitting it to the Neighborhood Services Department in City Hall at 1201 Leopard Street on the second floor.
For more information, visit
Media Inquiries contact Public Information Officer Gabriela Morrow at 361-826-3583 or email at