City and County to Announce Emergency Notification System Upgrades
Streamlined Registration, More Alert Categories, and Text Options
When: Friday, June 3, at 9:30 a.m.
What: Reverse Alert Emergency Notification System News Conference
Where: City Hall Basement Training Room
1201 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, 78418
Who: Mayor Paulette Guajardo
Peter Zanoni, City Manager
Chief Robert Rocha, Corpus Christi Fire Department
Billy Delgado, Emergency Management Coordinator
Kathy Ard-Blattner, Nueces County Emergency Management
CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS – The City of Corpus Christi will host a news conference to announce upgrades to the Reverse Alert Notification System, including a streamlined registration process, updated alert categories, and text options.
The news conference will be available for viewing on the following city social media channels:
Facebook: @citygov
YouTube: CCTVCorpusChristi
Media Representatives can contact Senior Public Information Officer Amy Gazin at 361-826-1655 or email at