2023 Beach to Bay Relay Marathon Announcement

Media Advisory

What:   Beach to Bay Marathon News Conference

When: Monday, March 6, at 10:30 a.m.           

Where: City Hall Council Chambers

             1201 Leopard Street, 78401          

Who:   Mayor Paulette Guajardo

            Peter Zanoni, City Manager

            Doug McBee, Beach to Bay, Race Director

            Darcy Schroeder, Valero, Beach to Bay Title Sponsor

            Captain Tim Frazier, Corpus Christi Police Department

            Derrick Majchszak, Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi and Beach to Bay organizers will hold a joint news conference to brief the public on the Beach to Bay Marathon event scheduled for May 20.

The briefing can be viewed on the following City social media channels:

Facebook: @citygov

YouTube: CCTVCorpusChristi

CCTV20: Spectrum Channel 1300, Grande Channel 20, AT&T Uverse Channel 99

This is not a public gathering.

For more information, media representatives can contact Public Information Manager Robert Gonzales at 361-826-3233 or robertg8@cctexas.com.

Beach to Bay Logo 3-2-23