2022 Día de los Muertos Festival Is Back!

Happening Saturday in Downtown Corpus Christi

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The 15th Annual Día de los Muertos Festival will be held Saturday, October 29, in downtown Corpus Christi from 3:00 p.m. to midnight. The festival celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Mexico and South Texas to promote and unite our community and attract tourists to the downtown area.

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a nationally recognized holiday in Mexico in which deceased loved ones are remembered and honored. It is a poignant time, both solemn and joyous, with colorful traditions, pageantry, and whimsy despite the sobering subject. The festival pays tribute to this tradition.

The Día de los Muertos (DDLM) Festival includes three stages with live music and cultural performances, an arts and crafts expo, a youth piñata contest, art show, activities and games for kids, a fine art exhibition, and a community altar display.

The event will be held in the 500 to 700 blocks of Chaparral Street and Mesquite Street, the 300 to 500 blocks of Starr Street and Peoples Street, and the 400 block of Taylor Street.

These areas will be closed to thru traffic on the day of the event:

  • 800 block of Mesquite Street
  • 500 block of Taylor Street
  • 300 block of Taylor Street
  • Lower Broadway Street from Peoples Street to Taylor Street

(See map attached)

FREE Park-N-Ride

RTA is providing a FREE Park-N-Ride from 2:30 p.m. until 12:30 a.m.:

  • From City Hall and County Courthouse parking lots - catch the bus on Leopard St.
  • From the Sand Dollar Parking Lot at Texas A & M University - Corpus Christi

Festival riders will be dropped off at the DDLM Mural at Starr Street and Upper Broadway Street. In addition, several paid parking lots in the blocks near the festival sell parking spaces on event night.

The Día de los Muertos Festival is organized by K Space Contemporary and Electra Art - Axis Tattoo. This event is the primary fundraiser for operating funds for K Space Contemporary, a 501c3 non-profit arts organization.

For more information, visit www.diadelosmuertoscc.com.
