2019 Buc Days Navy Army Night Parade Street Closures
The 2019 Buc Days Navy Army Night Parade is scheduled for Saturday, May 4, 2019. The parade will begin at 8:00 pm and street closures will begin as early as 4:00 pm to accommodate the parade route and staging.
The Buc Days Navy Army Night Parade will begin at the American Bank Convention Center and travel south on Chaparral Street to Schatzell Street. It will turn west onto Schatzell Street, up the bluff and continue west on Leopard Street to North Staples Street. Another turn will be taken at N. Staples Street and will head south on North Staples Street and end at Buford Street.
Here is the timing of the closures:
At 4:00 pm, for the parade route:
- SB US 181 “Bayfront / Shoreline Boulevard / C.C. Museum” (Twigg Street) Exit will be Closed.
At 6:00 pm, for parade staging:
- Port Avenue will be reduced to two lanes between Sam Rankin Street and Chaparral Street.
- Sam Rankin Street will be closed between Port Avenue and Brewster Street.
- Tancahua Street will be closed between Port Avenue and Brewster Street.
At 6:00 pm, for the parade route:
- Chaparral Street between Port Avenue and Lawrence Street.
- Schatzell Street between Water Street and Lower Broadway Street.
- Leopard Street between Upper Broadway Street and Sam Rankin Street.
- Staples Street between Antelope Street and Booty Street.
- All side streets intersecting the above-mentioned streets will also be closed at this time.
- Only intersecting streets designated as Emergency Lanes will be open.
At 7:15 pm, for Emergency Lanes:
- Belden Street
- Carancahua Street
- Tancahua Street
- Comanche Street
- Laredo Street
- Agnes Street
- Morgan Street
- No viewing will be allowed from the street at these intersections. Access to the downtown area will be maintained.
All parking within the parade route along emergency lanes, detour routes, and other special areas will be prohibited. Signage for parking restrictions will be in place on Friday and enforcement of these restrictions will begin at 3:00 pm on Saturday.
Motorists are urged to use alternate routes around the Downtown area due to expected congestion caused by the parade.
Streets will remain closed until they have been determined safe to reopen. For more information, contact Traffic Engineering at 361-826-3547.
For information regarding the Buc Days festivities visit, https://www.bucdays.com/